Beth Hartmann

Beth Hartmann

Beth grew up in Los Angeles in an ultra-conservative family. By the age of 15, she had joined the counterculture soon to be known as the hippies. She was active with the L.A. Free Press and the anti-war movement. She left UCLA and moved to Seattle in 1971.Five years later, she moved to Olympia to complete her degree. As one of the first staffers at the Columbia Street Co-op, Beth helped to build a culture of cooperation that empowered people to work together to bring healthy food into our community. Beth was also involved in a number of organizations to halt US intervention in Central America, including CISPES, Central America Action Committee and others. From there, Beth moved on to join the staff at Evergreen State College, first in the accounting department and then moved to the advising department to support students who were navigating their educations. She now lives in Lexington, Kentucky, and does volunteer work with a local refugee organization.