The Book Project

Memories and images of life in Olympia, Washington from the 1960s through the 1980s

A group of aging activists has been meeting regularly since 2020 to gather stories, interviews, and images from our younger days in Olympia, Washington during an era of rapid social change–the 1960s through the 1980s. It was a time of rebellion, civil rights movements, political upheavals, environmental awareness, and opposition to war. Not to mention sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll! We sought to create new ways of living, alternative businesses, non-hierarchical institutions, and a sense of community based on fairness, equity, and creativity. 

Our hope is to remember the unique contributions we made during those turbulent times and to inspire future generations struggling to build a better world.

The core group of activists and artists working on this project is building an expanding website that highlights the material we’re collecting. The next step is to self-publish a distillation of this community memoir in a printed book. We plan to distribute it locally and online as an eBook.

Please contact us if you want to contribute stories, images, or funding: